Aimee and Anthony got married in the Belleisle Conservatory in Ayr. As a child my gran and papa used to always take us to Belleisle and then it fell into disrepair so it was great to see it back to it’s former glory mostly from the help of the local community. I actually met Aimee through my work in Morrison’s over covid, Aimee is also a videographer. They did have plans to get married in 2024 but when Anthony got his posting down in England they decided to bring it forward. Their intimate wedding was lovely, the conservatory was warm but Aimee thought of getting fans as favours which was a fab idea, Aimee’s cousin who was a humanist did the ceremony and it was a very personal one and my first with an oathing stone which is a Scottish tradition of placing your hands on the stone while saying your vows. Aimee got ready in her home and I was there for my two hour package to cover the ceremony and photos after. After the ceremony we did some family photos and then went into the Walled Garden for some couple photos. Anthony had his full uniform with his sword in which everyone wanted a wee go of. If you are looking for a place to have a small ceremony I would definitely recommend the Belleisle Conservatory. https://www.belleisleconservatory.com/